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Security - Reflexive ACL's

·3 mins
Today I have been going through some more of the INE Vol2 labs and thought I would do a quick post on reflexive ACL’s.

CCIE Study update (May 15)

·2 mins
Over the past couple of days I have reviewed the remainder of the INE Advanced Technology videos that I felt that I needed to brush up on.

CCIE Distractions

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Back when I passed my CCIE written last year I had the momentum behind me and felt that I would be able to study for and take my first attempt at the lab in only a few months.

Tumble-weed post

·1 min
Sorry for it being a bit quiet over here since the new year, I had a few weeks of on vacation in Disney in Florida and then shortly followed by me moving house so things have been a little hectic to say the least.


IPv6 MLD Snooping

·3 mins
I have finally finished my first read through of the CCIE R&S Written OCG and now is time to lab out some of my weaker points, read through a pile of RFC’s and then eventually book and take the exam.

Status: All systems are go…

·1 min
Things have been pretty hectic over the last few weeks/month and so I haven’t had much dedicated study time, sometimes only managing a few pages of the CCIE Cert Guide per day.

CCIP done…. CCIE here I come!

·2 mins
I have been a little quiet on the blogging front for a while, the reason being I have recently taken on some more responsibilities at work and have also decided to knuckle down and finish my CCIP.

Sun Quad NICs and x86_64 kernels

·3 mins
After the last post when I had built up and installed my new Dynamips server along with a set of Sun Quad NIC cards (501-4366, HME or Happy Meal as they are also known) I started to run into some issues.

Dynamips server reporting for duty…

·1 min
Back when I first starting studying for my CCNP I built a rack of equipment to lab things up and practice with (picture below) and after completing my CCNP and moving down the CCIE track (after stopping off for a pit-stop at the CCIP station….

Snippet: Packet capture using Cisco PIX/ASA

·3 mins
If you are having issues with your PIX/ASA firewall (or people believe that there is) there are a couple of checks that you can do just to make sure that the issue isn’t the firewall (as the server guys usually point at the firewall first!

MPLS QoS Marking : The rebuttal

·2 mins
Earlier today Ivan Pepelnjak over at IOS Hints (url / @ioshints) posted a piece on his blog in which he mentioned the behaviour of MPLS QoS markings and how they don’t copy over upon label imposition at the edge-LSR (the post is here).

2011 - Whats to come?

·3 mins
I thought I would join every man and his dog and write either a 2010 recap or a 2011 prediction post.