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CCIE Study update (May 15)

·2 mins

Over the past couple of days I have reviewed the remainder of the INE Advanced Technology videos that I felt that I needed to brush up on.

I felt that before going onto the next stage that I needed to brush up on mostly some of the legacy QoS (FRTS included) and also the Catalyst QoS, I already felt pretty happy with it but as I don’t use it a whole lot day to day I felt it best to get it out of the way.

Starting tomorrow I am going to begin the Vol2 INE lab workbooks and go through them sequentially whilst also accompanying them with any Adv Tech or Vol1 scenarios as I see fit, hopefully as I get further through the 20 labs the use of the accompanying material should become less and less.

My only other material that I will be using for support is as per the lab in that I will be using the good old Doc-CD to try and get quicker at referencing some of the more obscure items that I could be quizzed on during the lab.

I’m hoping that if I start Lab 1 tomorrow night after work that it shouldn’t take me too long to work through it (working on 2-3 hours a night).

I’ll post on here afterwards with my thoughts on the experience, until then?